Can you remember this feeling?
I think we can all go back in time and remember just how this felt. The weather starts to get warmer. The days start to get longer. The flowers start to bloom, and the trees start to bud. And as you're sitting in the classroom, the only thing you can think about is how it's almost summer.
There's something even more special about that feeling when it's your last year of elementary school, and this summer, you become a Rising Freshman. Mentally, Luke's there.

There's a time for work, and a time for PLAY.
Like most teens (and honestly, most adults), Luke just wants to get out there in the warm air and play. His hobby is skateboarding! I can't think of a cooler place to shoot eighth grade graduation photos than a skate park. We chose Sylvan Springs Skate Park in St. Louis, MO.
During our session, Luke obliged his mom by taking some of the more classic posed photos. I promised we would be quick -- and we were! After that, it was time for the fun to start. Luke was able to show off his skills, and practice his tricks while I followed behind, capturing the moment. It was so fun to hear him talk to his dad about the new moves he was going to try, and talk about the technique some of the more experienced skaters had. You'll get there, Luke; practice makes perfect!

I wish I was even half this cool.
Luke, Brenda, and Scott, Thank you SO much for bringing me along for this fun graduation photo session. I'm so glad these pictures turned out so much better than the generic "Picture Day" photos. Eighth grade is such a special time. Now that it's almost over, I'm sure you're ready for the next big adventure -- High School! Luke, I can't wait to see what moves you have in store for me during your Senior Session in four years! ;)